"Shonen merikensakku"
Title:Shonen merikensakku
Director:Kankuro Kudo
Cast:Aoi Miyazaki,Koichi Sato,Yuich Kimura,Tomorowo Taguchi,Hiroki Miyake
"punk-saturated two hours”
That was so comfortable for me.
(the title of this movie means "brass knuckles little boy".I'm not sure if its translation is collect or not.)
I saw this advertisement on the way from Shibuya station to Mizuho bank.
Because of economic crisis, how we can survive has been the only thing people talk about recently.
Every day we can hear bad and gloomy news about economy and politics....
I thought this movie seemed to break that kind of bad feeling and I ran in the theater.
Aoi Miyazaki and Koichi Sato who are big name in Japanese film scene were acting like so crazy in this movie.
The role they played were so energetic but we hardly see that kind of people in the real world.
Those who have strong characters don't exist so many but I consider them very attractive because they are rich in humanity.
If you have stress for society, office,whatever, you should see it.