I went to see THE KALEIDOSCOPIC EYE EXHIBITION in Mori Art Museum.
The subject of the exhibition is to change human perception but I think it is also one of purposes of art. So I felt the exhibition is not only about human perception but about basic contemporary art.
I think this kind of exhibition tends to be conceptual but John M. Armleder used six mirror balls to make space that I haven't ever seen. It's called "Global Dome Ⅻ". I'm really interested in it and it's incredibly beautiful.
And "Untitled" by HEIMO ZOBERNIG is also interesting. He reinterpreted Piet Mondrian's work and I think nobody has done it yet because everybody thought whoever could have done it and it was not so interesting.
"Isn't it new because the coloration and triangle are different from Mondrian's one?" This claim is sort of contemporary. And I lean to feel it's new because I feel he claims like that at the bottom of his heart.
Claims and intentions of artists can change what we feel from art works.